Aceite de Salmon excelentes propiedades y fuente en omega 3

Aceite de Salmon excelentes propiedades y fuente en omega 3


Description of Salmon
How it works in our body?
Salmon Oil composition
Use and Dosage recommendations for oral
Interactions with other supplements
Uses and Properties
Salmon oil is rich in Omega 3, and with a high content of EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). Contributing to lower cholesterol and triglyceride plasmas. It also increases the flow of blood, which prevents the formation of blood clots. DHA is essential for normal brain development and vision; it is transmitted from mother to fetus via the placenta. After birth, the main source of DHA is breast milk. During the rest of life its intake is recommended in children to prevent attention disorders and in the elderly in order to avoid neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson´s. The EPA encourages the production of the Series 3 prostaglandins, which reduce blood clotting by preventing a higher rate of thrombosis, in turn, act on the wall of blood vessels to reduce blood pressure.

It is important to protect ourselves from toxins of our daily diet and in many cases inadequacy caused as a product of the pace of modern life. One of these toxins is the bad fat, which result in numerous diseases. An alternative to improve our quality of life is the consumption of healthy foods and supplements that work well in our nutrition and helps us prevent diseases and conditions; a great ally is the consumption of Salmon Oil which is extracted cold and 100% natural, this product has been used by many communities since ancient times, with proven beneficial effects on human and animal health.

Salmon is a saltwater fish which reproduces in fresh water. Its size is variable depending on the species, which in some cases can produce fish up to 45 kg in weight and more than 1.5 meters long. Salmon is wild caught species, although its availability of industrial production through aquaculture has increased. Almost 100% of the salmon produced derived from aquaculture activity.

The two varieties of more intensive farming are important aquaculture Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and Pacific salmon or also known as coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch). Both varieties are physically similar, but their cycles of growth and production are different. The Atlantic salmon production is continuous throughout the year, however the production of Pacific salmon is seasonal, concentrating mainly during the summer months.


Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) not only displace arachidonic acid and inhibit cyclooxygenase, but EPA also turns into a substance oxygenase cycle when the peroxide level is high and is converted into powerful anti- aggregating PGL-3.

It has been suggested that these findings may explain the decrease in the incidence of coronary artery disease has been found in Japan and some Eskimos where fish consumption is high.

The EPA / DHA also helps to suppress the production of inflammatory agents found in rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis. The anti-inflammatory effect of Omega 3 might be mediated by its inhibitory effect on the production of interleukin-1 and tumor necrosis factor, two major mediators of inflammation. In cases of common psoriasis, salmon oil produce symptomatic improvement by changes in levels of leukotriene which are a product of arachidonic acid lipoxigenacion.

The EPA in salmon oil “replaces” arachidonic acid in the phospholipids, leading the formation of leukotriene B5, before B4. Leukotriene B5 immediate causes a much weaker response.


Salmon Oil is a natural product 100% pure and tasty, with a high content of omega 3 essential fatty acids, with a rating of 18% eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and 12% docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Its mineral content can be up to a total of 25 times more than that of any other food of animal origin, and it also has fully soluble vitamins that help keep bones strong (as is the case vitamin D) it contains a strong antioxidant (vitamin E) and the ability to form cells (vitamin A).


Unsaturated fatty acids
1400 mg

Polyunsaturated fatty acids
1300 mg

Of which are Omega 3 fatty acids
1050 mg

350 mg

450 mg

Ácidos grasos Omega 6
150 mg

For high triglycerides: 1 to 4 gr/ml per day.
For high blood pressure: 3 gr/ml per day.
For atrial fibrillation: 3 gr/ml per day.
To reduce the risk of death and sudden death in patients with coronary heart disease: 0.3 to 6 gr/ml of EPA with 0.6 to 3.7 gr/ml of DHA.
For treatment of asthma in children: 17 to 26.8 mg / kg EPA and 7.3 -11.5 mg / kg DHA.
To prevent and reverse the hardening of the arteries: 6 gr/ml a day for the first 3 months and thereafter 3 gr/ml per day.
For rheumatoid arthritis: 3.8 gr/ml per day of EPA and 2 grams per day of DHA.
For attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): 400 gr/ml of Salmon Oil and 100 mg of Evening Primrose Oil.
For the prevention of miscarriages and a history of abortions: 5.1 gr/ml per day.
For painful periods: using a daily dose of 1080 mg of EPA and 720 DHA.
For Raynaud´s syndrome: use a daily dose of 3.96 grams of EPA and 2.64 grams of DHA.
For weight loss: daily serving of Salmon Oil 4 gr/ml.
To improve mobility disorders in children with dyspraxia (poor co-ordination): to provide 4 gr/ml.
For development coordination disorder in children: Salmon Oil are used to provide 558 mg of EPA and 174 mg of DHA and is taken in 3 divided doses.
For depression with antidepressant drugs: use 9.6 grams per day of salmon oil.
To prevent the development of severe psychosis in people with mild symptoms: Use 1.2 gr/ml per day.
To reduce and prevent the continuing rise in blood pressure and preserve renal function after heart transplantation: used 4 gr/ml per day.
For the combination of high triglycerides and high cholesterol: used Salmon Oil to provide 2 to 3 gr/ml with 900-1200 mg daily of garlic powder.


Treatment of dermatitis
Reduces risk of cardiovascular disease: increased vasodilation, reduction of triglycerides, cholesterol, blood pressure and risk of thrombosis.
Anti-inflammatory action
Improvement of glucose metabolism in diabetes
Strengthening the immune system
Increases fertility
Increases vigor
strengthens certain neural functions
Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disorders
Combats Eye Health Problems
Control of body weight

Herbs and supplements that may slow blood clotting. High doses of fish oil seem to slow the bleeding. Using fish oil with herbs that can slow clotting can cause bleeding in some people. These herbs include angelica, clove, salvia miltiorrhiza, garlic, ginger, ginkgo, Panax ginseng, red clover, turmeric, willow and others.


Abnormal sensitivity to cold (Raynaud syndrome): There is evidence that taking Salmon Oil can improve tolerance too cold in some people with the common type of Raynaud´s syndrome.
Rheumatoid arthritis: Salmon Oil alone or in combination with the drug naproxen (Naprosyn), seems to help people overcome morning stiffness faster. People who take fish oil can sometimes reduce the use of pain medications such as no steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).
To improve mobility disorder in children (dyspraxia): Salmon Oil taking orally, in combination with evening primrose oil, thyme oil and vitamin E appears to improve movement disorders in children with dyspraxia.

Slow weight loss in patients with advanced cancer: Taking a high dose of Salmon Oil (7.5 gr/ml per day) seems to slow weight loss. Some researchers believe that these patients eat more fish because the oil is helping with depression and mood.

High blood pressure: Salmon Oil seems to produce a small reduction in blood pressure in people whose blood pressure is slightly elevated. The Omega 3 fatty acids found in fish oil seem to be able to expand the blood vessels and causes low blood pressure.
Psychosis: Taking a Salmon Oil supplement may prevent the development of a severe psychotic disorder in people with mild symptoms of psychosis. This has only been tested in adolescents and adults under age 25.


The development of coordination disorder: A combination of Salmon Oil (80%) and Evening Primrose Oil (20%) seems to improve the ability to read and spell and improve the behavior of children aged 5-12 years who have a developmental coordination disorder. But there appears to improve motor skills.
The prevention of eye diseases (macular degeneration age-related DMS): There is evidence that people who eat fish more than once a week have a lower risk of developing AMD.

The menstrual cramps (dysmenorrhea): Taking Salmon Oil alone or in combination with vitamin B12 appears to improve painful periods and decrease the need of having to use pain medications such as no steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

Reduce the risk of re-block the arteries after bypass surgery (bypass) or coronary artery catheterization with balloon or balloon (balloon angioplasty): Salmon Oil appears to reduce re-blockage rate by 26% when given for a month before the procedure and continued for another month. Apparently, taking fish oil before surgery is important. When taken alone for less than a month before angioplasty, fish oil does not seem to be helpful to prevent the blood vessels to tighten again.

Endometrial cancer: There is evidence that women who regularly eat 2 servings of fatty fish a week have a lower risk of developing endometrial cancer.

The dry eye syndrome: Research suggests that Salmon Oil help women to prevent dry eye syndrome.

Weight loss: Evidence suggests that Salmon Oil increases weight loss and lowers blood sugar in people with overweight people with high blood pressure. Preliminary investigations also show that taking 6 grams daily of a fish oil supplement specifically (Hi-DHA, number) that provides 260 mg of DHA per gram of EPA and 60 mg / g, significantly decreases body fat when combined with exercise.

Depression: Taking Salmon Oil appears to improve response to treatment with antidepressant drugs. Interestingly, depression is less common in countries with higher fish consumption. This finding is consistent with evidence indicating that low levels of Omega 3 in plasma and red blood cells are associated with depression.
Kidney problems: The long-term use (two years) from 4 to 8 gr/ml per day of oil Salmon appears to slow the loss of kidney function in patients at high risk of kidney disease called IgA neuropathy. Salmon oil also appears to reduce the amount of protein in the urine in people with kidney disease caused by diabetes.

Bipolar disorder: Taking Salmon Oil along with the usual treatments used for bipolar disorder appears to improve symptoms of depression and prolong the time between episodes of depression. But fish oil does not improve symptoms of mania in people with bipolar disorder.
Weak bones (osteoporosis): Taking Salmon Oil alone or in combination with calcium and evening primrose oil appears to slow bone loss and increase bone density in the thigh bone (femur) and spine in elderly people with osteoporosis.
Asthma: Some research suggests that some children with asthma, Salmon oil can improve airflow, reduce cough and reduce the need for medications. However, treatment with fish oil does not seem to offer the same benefit for adults.

Prevent the hardening of the arteries (arteriosclerosis): Salmon Oil seems slightly slow or reverse the progression of atherosclerosis in the arteries that supply blood to the heart (coronary arteries), but not in the arteries that carry blood to the head neck (carotid arteries).
The prevention of an increase in blood pressure and kidney problems after a heart transplant: Taking Salmon Oil after heart transplantation appears to preserve renal function and decrease the progressive rise in blood pressure with age.
The prevention of stroke: Reduce the risk of stroke by 27%. However, in those already taking aspirin for the prevention, eating fish does not lower the risk of stroke.


The attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children: Taking Salmon Oil appears to improve the skills of thinking and behavior in children 8 to 12 years with ADHD.
High cholesterol: Researchers believe that Salmon Oil can lower cholesterol by preventing absorption in the intestine. There is evidence that the use of vitamin B12 along with Salmon Oil could enhance the ability to lower cholesterol.


Salmon oil is safe for most people, including pregnant and nursing women, when taken in low doses (3 grams or less per day).
Because of its antiplatelet activity, avoid the consumption of salmon oil, combined with other anticoagulant therapies.

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