Ginger (60 caps. – 400mg)


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Ginger is a root frequently used in cooking for its flavor. But it is very rich in nutrients; furthermore, it helps digestion, lowers swelling of the body and improves defense against infections.

Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is a plant originating in India and China, occupying a prominent position in traditional Chinese medicine and in ayurvedic medicine. In addition to its medicinal properties, it is also greatly valued for its gastronomic qualities, as an important ingredient in different recipes throughout the entire world.

The part of the ginger plant which is most frequently used, as much in cooking as in medicine, is the rhizome (underground stem), with its strong aroma and taste.

Properties and uses:

  • Natural anti-inflammatory: The anti-inflammatory properties of ginger and its ability to mildly thin the blood makes ginger effective for alleviating pain and chronic inflammatory conditions such as arthritis, rheumatism, etc. Its effect on the blood furthermore improves circulation, being useful in disorders which are associated with dizziness, especially dizziness associated with cervical athrosis.
  • Mucolytic properties: Ginger has a phelgm-loosening effect which helps expectoration, useful for colds and the flue.
  • Digestive properties: These properties make ginger an effective natural remedy against diverse digestive illnesses, especially nausea and vomiting from different causes such as from pregnancy, motion sickness, indigestion, etc.
  • Antibacterial activity: It seems to be useful in the prevention of gastroduodenal ulcers and in improving some types of diarrhea.

Bottle of 60 capsules of 400mg


3 capsules per day, 1 before each meal. 

Weight 60 g