Essential oil of Camphor 10ml


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It is one of the most recognizable smells of the majority of creams and salves to relieve the pain or to clear the respiratory tract.

The essential oil of Camphor (Cinnamomum camphora) comes from the bark of the tree of the camphor, originally from Asia. It is produced by distillation of dragging for steam of the bark.

For the respiratory tract for inhalation in vaporization or in salves it is useful to clear the respiratory tract, in cases of cold or flus.

Useful for blows, contusions and muscular pains for his anti-spasmodic, analgesic and relaxing effect. Good to relieve the rheumatic pains.

Do not use during the pregnancy and the lactation.

It is not advisable in persons who suffer epilepsy.

Parking of 10ml.

Ingredients: 100% essential oil of Cinnamomum camphora

Weight 42 g