Magnesium sulfate, better known as bitter salt or Epsom salt has always been used to make up for lacks of this mineral in our system. Magnesium reduces muscle pain and inflammation. It boosts the nervous system by increasing the serotonin level, reduces stress and heightens spirits. It prevents migraine, improves sleep, concentration and lowers blood pressure.
Epsom salt is traditionally used for liver cleanses, as it helps to eliminate small kidney stones. It is also a mild laxative. Used in the bath tub, it soothes muscle spasms and cramps.
Epsom salt is the essential ingredient in Dr Clark’s detox method.
Epsom salt is free from heavy metals, and has an independent lab warranty label.
Dr Clark’s recipe
Before the actual cleansing, prepare your body by drinking 1 liter apple juice (malic acid) per day. On the 6º day (preferably a Saturday) eat white rice before 2 PM, after which you may only drink water.
Mix 3 glasses of water with 4 tablespoons of Epsom salt in a jar. Every serving will be a quarter of a glass:
6 PM Drink the first serving.
8 PM Drink the second serving from the Epsom salt
9:45 PM. Perform an enema to empty bowels.
10 PM Mix half a glass of olive oil with ¾ grapefruit juice and drink the mix.
Sleep semi incorporated.
The next day, Sunday, at 7 AM, drink the third glass of Epsom salt.
At 9 AM it is time for the fourth and last glass.
Epsom salt is a mild laxative that will help to eliminate small kidney stones.
Starting from 11 AM you may start eating fruit and drinking fruit juice.
Epsom salt is also an excellent bath salt, because it relaxes muscle spasms and soothes cramps. Also effective to cure ingrown nails.
Cosmetic use
As a scrub:
Mix a handful of Epsom salt with a teaspoon of cleaning milk, bath-, olive- or sacha inchi oil and scrub onto moist skin to eliminate rough patches. Rinse thoroughly and finish with your favorite moisturizing lotion.
As a cure for greasy hair:
Mix 1/2 teaspoon of Epsom salt with your shampoo. The salt will help to absorb the excessive oil in your hair, making it glow with natural shine again.
People with kidney disease should not use Epsom salt unless prescribed by their doctor.